This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My name is Joel Harman. I own & operate BRASS RING RANCH in a canyon off
the Columbia River Gorge near Mosier, OR. I am 70 miles east of Portland.
The ranch is 52 Ac of hillside. About 40 Ac is in 2nd growth Douglas Fir &
Ponderosa Pine & the rest of the ground is hay ground if it is flat enough
to farm.
I presently have 7 fjords of which 5 are old enough to get any work out
of. I log, farm, drive, ride, & do parades with them. There is a yearling 
colt & a stud colt born May 25. The yearling is on a lunge line & is
ground driven in halter. The colt gets led around, practices loading, &
spends less & less time staring the tree or whatever after having one of
his "spells". When not staring at the tree, post, whatever - he can be
found leaning back on the lead rope with feet splayed out to the side 
pulling back for all he is worth. He is learning this is a futile
All these horses are for sale. I am having surgery on my torn left rotator
cuff 15 July & will be useless for a few months. I have arranged to have 3
of the horses spend the summer at a christian riding camp for children. If
I do not sell them I figure a few days on the plow & disc next spring will
break the bad habits they will be taught by the children. 
The horses include a 10 yr stallion, 11yr mare with stud colt, 6 yr
mare blind in left eye (still used), 4 yr maiden mare, 4 yr gelding &
yearling gelding, The colt will be weaned in Sept& the mare will be bred
back. The other mares are out for breeding now then off to summer camp
with the gelding. I bet they are excited.
Bloodlines are Grabb & Lunaren. Most are registered Canadian, some NFHR.
All can be registered NFHR if you so desire - I don't.
If you are interested in working horses that are sometimes shown please
contact me privately. Delivery & contracts are an option.
For the most part I enjoy the reading the digest. I agree with comments 
posted about keeping personal comments on private e-mail.
Thank you for your consideration. 
Happy Trails
Joel Harman

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