This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear List:

I am new, and plan mainly to lurk, as we do not current own a fjord (or any
other kind of horse, unless you count two Great Danes!)

We currently live in Orlando Florida, but are moving to the Western North
Carolina mountains this fall. We will be living on 64 acres and hope to
acquire four horses over the next two years.

I have some (small) knowledge of horses, as I owned a
Thoroughbred/Standardbred cross while in college. I took English riding,
beginning jumping, and beginning dressage. Had to stable him as we lived in
the suburbs. Finally gave him up to my sister who had more time. He was too
much for me anyway, too big, had to use a martingale to avoid a bloody nose,
etc. (But was a real love otherwise when I was on the ground!) Since then
(last 20 years) I have occasionally ridden western pleasure. My husband has
not ridden in years, and our 6 you son has never been on a horse off lead.

We are looking for easy, friendly keepers who can tolerate less than
experienced riders. We plan to build a 6 stall barn with paddocks and three
2-3 acre pastures. I am also researching the Icelandic pony, and have joined
one of their lists, as well..

I look foreward to reading your messages, and also receiving any suggestions
or comments you might have for us.


Kim Gould and family

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