This message is from: "Denise Delgado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

dear gail,  i am not a wasp!   i am half mexican (beaner, greaser, bean
eater, wet back,  etc.)  and half italian; ( wop, dago, garlic breath,
garlic eaters, guinea, etc).  i have heard them all.

my mother (divorced and single before it was cool in the fifties) taught me
to not "listen"  in my heart to what others say.  if i want to do something,
just keep trying till i accomplish it.  and i did.  i went to college and
got an r.n. on my own, working full time.  i found out i could'nt have kids,
so i found some i could adopt.  i am tired of these wah, wah, babies who are
always crying and blaming others for their misfortunes, becasue it is easier
to do so. i adhere to the saying of; don't ever give up, keep trying till
you get what you want, no matter what inconveniences there are.

so by calling someone a wasp, are'nt you labeling them too?  all of this is
just words!  what matters most is how a person treats another.  i treat them
all as if they are my equals, and as i would want them to treat me.  denise
in lovely, sunny and cool, northern california.

p.s.   sorry for the length of this post.  i  just had to respond.  den

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