This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

When I came upon said joke, I read it quickly and deleted it without more of a thought than, "Ugh, that was a pretty tacky joke"

- because it set up & made the woman out to be totally dumb (sexist stereotyping)) - I didn't read into it Amish specificlly, but knew it was representing some type of lifestyle/religion that includes horsedrawn travel.
- and belive it or not, I felt sorry for the horse!

I personally have heard more than my fair share of really bad, off colour,tasteless,crass,crude, you-name-it jokes in my life ( if you've ever cooked for a living, you'll know what I mean...)and this list was the last place I thought I'd encounter one.

In defense of the postee, it really wasn't terribly bad , on a scale of 1 to 10...but this is a very broad spectrum of people here, with one specific interest in common - fjords (duh!) When something drifts slightly off topic I think the reactions, pro and con, increase dramaticlly, and is to be expected I suppose.

I am sure by now you can tell which camp I am in, hello Gail and Dave.
Oh, and yes, Denise in California who wants us all to lighten up a bit, (as do I), IS a WASP, (as am I), Oh my, oh my.....Can we all quit now?

(......Where is my flame suit, where is my flame suit ????
   - Donde esta mi vestido de fuego!!!!!!)

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