This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

squirrel!  But when I took it out of the trap it gave a gasp, it was still
>alive!......and I gave a gasp of surpise:  It was a beautiful flying
>squirrel!  As I stroked its soft grey fur and inspected the folds of skin
>on it's sides, it started to revive in the warmth of my hands and curled up
>into a ball with it's tail over it's nose.  Well, I couldn't kill this
>beautiful creature, so I made a nest in some hay in a small cardboard box
>and left him out behind the shed. This morning he was gone..

I love a happy ending Jean! I was thinking you were a "meanie" until I got
to the end of your post. =) =) There are flying squirrels in this corner of
Montana too but you don't often see them and I'm sure they've dwindled in
current years. Flying Squirrels were one of the noted features of the
nature walk in The Big Cedars Park here but I doubt they're still there as
tourism has taken a toll on the authenticity of the area. 

Maybe your new dog will keep the other squirrels at bay! Or... you could
just peacefully coexist and feed them... there must not be a whole lot to
do during those long winters!?... start a Squirrel Foundation?

ha ha, Ruthie, NW MT

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