This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I knew long ago that my huge Charlie would end up with heaves as he has had
everything else.  Sure enough last winter lots of coughing and white gloop
pouring out his nose.  I never close the barn, a small one but it is dusty
and when I started watering his hay, mold grew in his manger which is on the

Throughout the summer, dry and dusty, I have wet his hay and fed him out in
the pasture.  He is much improved but if I quit watering the hay very soon
even tho outside, the cough starts up.  He is twenty three.

He also has sinus infection and blood, red, often seeps out his nose.  I
think part of this is the exceptional dryness this year as my nose is also

If I wet down the barn the mold gets him and if I do not wet it down the
dust gets him.  Has anyone tried oil in the barn? None of the horses lie on
the rubber mats, preferring the mud outside. Gunnar who is now 19 has no
problems being outside all of the time.

I have thought of alfalfa cubes as my next move. Anyone have any idea how
much one would feed a 1700 pounder?   Jean

Jean Walters Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
Author:The Colonel's Daughter
$20 PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

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