This message is from: Rovena Kessinger <>

Hi everybody.  I hope I am posting to this list the right way.

I have a four year old fjord gelding that I got from a horse rescue.  He was
left there after two owners "gave up" on him.  I have had him for about two
months.  He has had minimal training, and I don't think any of it stuck.

I am new to horses.  I learned about clicker-training last year with a problem
dog, and that worked so well, it gave me confidence to try it on a new
species. It's going really well.  He was VERY pushy and domineering at first,
and I was rather stupid and probably put myself in danger, I realize now that
I know more, but it turned out OK, and he has made a huge amount of progress. 
So, now that I know better, and he is better, it's all good.

He is incredibly smart, and not scared of anything.  I have a mule that I do
CT with too.  The reason that I picked those two out of all the horses was
that they always came to the gate to greet me when I got there, and the one
left in the field always watched me as I worked with the other one, obviously
wanting to be in on it.  So I couldn't leave either behind.  The mule is 12. 
He is much more well-trained than the fjord, but also a lot more suspicious
and spooky. So they both need a lot of work.  Somebody told me that mules and
fjords are a lot alike, so it made sense what happened with those two.  I
thought those two made the other horses seem like sheep in comparison.

Anyway, I found this list, and thought it would be interesting to see what
other people are doing with their fjords.  My immediate issue with mine is his
hooves.  I want to keep him barefoot, and I think from what I read that is how
most fjords are.  A farrier came just to trim, but my horse wouldn't let the
guy get near him.  So I am trying to desensitize him to having his feet
handled.  I can touch all of them now, but haven't picked them up yet.  I'm
sure we'll get there, but after that, I don't know a good barefoot trimmer in
my area.  He obviously needs something done, so I was going to let the farrier
just trim him, despite the fact he doesn't seem to now anything special about
barefoot trimming.  I am in northern Wisconsin (Rhinelander).  If anybody
knows a good trimmer near me, especially for a fjord and any special needs
they may have, I would appreciate if you let me know.

Thanks, Ro

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