This message is from: Gail Russell <>

Be careful about all the pschoanalysis of why Bam Bam was unable to stand for 
the farrier.  BF Skinner always cautioned that the organism (BAM BAM) should be 
treated as a "black box."  You have no idea of his motivations or what else is 
going on in his head.  It is enough to just accept the fact that he does not 
know how to deal with this situation, and figure out how to prepare him for 
picking up his feet in a variety of situations, including with a farrier who 
approaches in any old manner.  I know horse trainers who pretend to be falling 
down drunks trying to mount their horses.....get the horse used to 
anything....and the truth is that many many horses will eventually have to deal 
with a falling down drunk person :).  I encourage you to buy Alexandra 
Kurland's books and join her "click that teaches" list.  She is a trained 
behavioral scientist, as are some of the people on her list.

Also, consider going to the Clicker Expo or to the Wicked Minds conference in 
January at Texas State University.

When he started with Odi, he didn't introduce himself or go slowly, just had
me hold him and went at his feet.? So after that, I got Bam-Bam, and the
farrier couldn't even get near him, he went wild when the farrier?started?got
close to us.? He didn't rear, but he was jumping all?around and it was hard
for me to hold onto.? The farrier was like, OK, no way, and he turned around
and left.? The Bam-Bam was fine.??Bam-Bam just didn't want that bad guy
carrying torture-implements (for all he knew) getting close to him.

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