
I have managed to access movie clips inside an embedded symbol, but purely to manipulate them as movieclips. To avoid confusion - I have no code inside the SWF file I am embedding, I am merely using Flash 8 IDE to author graphical symbols & animations which I embed individually. Some of these clips have nested clips too.

   Here is an example:

   //Embed the symbol Block, which has a number of clips inside it.
   [Embed (source = "../resources/graphics.swf", symbol="Block")]
   private var Block:Class;

   //Create an instance of a Block
   _block:MovieClip = new Block() as MovieClip;
//Loop through and "stop" all the child clips using the child access methods of AS3
   var children:int = _block.numChildren;
   for (var idx:int = 0; idx < children;idx++ ) {
         var child:MovieClip = _block.getChildAt(idx) as MovieClip;
//Later in the code, do collision detection on each child clip in the Block and manipulate it as a movieclip.
   function hitTestBlock(block:MovieClip, ball:Sprite) {
       var children:int = block.numChildren;
       for (var idx:int = 0; idx < children;idx++ ) {
             var child:MovieClip = block.getChildAt(idx) as MovieClip;
             if(child.hitTestObject(ball)) {
                 //optimise for speed by removing clips that are "dead".
                 if(child.totalFrames == child.currentFrame) {
                 return true;
      return false;


Ian Thomas wrote:
On Jan 18, 2008 7:37 PM, Gregory N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks, Jan.

This leads me to another question. I think I'd try it myself before
but just have no dev machine at hand right now.
when I embed *symbols* from flash 8 library like this:
   [Embed(source="flash8.swf", symbol="SymbolALinkageID"]
   private var symbolAClass:Class;

can this symbol contain enclosed (child) movieclips?
And can I then access these child clips?

In other words, should I create a special class file(s) only to list the
embed-var statements like the one above
I can just embed one "container" mc symbol ?

In short, I don't know - never tried using the container mc idea.

Thinking about it, though, I suspect that you won't be able to access the
subclips via new MySubClipSymbolID(); however, if you instantiate the
containing clip (new MyTopLevelSymbolID() or whatever) you may be able to
access the children via getChildAt() etc.

That's probably not a hugely useful thing to be able to do, though.

I'm guessing it's most useful to embed each symbol.


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