On Jan 18, 2008 7:54 PM, Merrill, Jason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >>can this symbol contain enclosed (child) movieclips?
> Yes
> >>And can I then access these child clips?
> Flash 8?  Flash 8 is AVM1, so no (unless you hack with something like
> ExternalInterface, which requires modifying the code in your Flash 8 swf
> to call it)

Hi Jason,
   What I was basically saying (earlier in the conversation) is that if you

[Embed(source="clips.swf", symbol="someSymbol")]

instead of


on a Flash 8 SWF, then actually the symbol is _translated_ into AVM2 by the
compiler, but all the code is stripped out.
So it is no longer AVM1.

If you just embed the Flash 8 SWF itself (without using 'symbol=') then the
Flash 8 SWF is created as AVM1Movie, and has the problems you mention.

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