Hey guys, very intresting indeed. But if you used for instance an additional parrallel port card. Could you not just set the port addresses in each instance of PowerSDR...no USB confusion. That would take care of the control. How would one install say two Delta 44 cards and make them look at the appropriate instance in software? Would there be a way to "hard set" this in software, or would it be a matter of the first instance of PowerSDR you booted went to Delta 44 #1...second boot of PowerSDR would go to Delta 44 #2.

It would seem that there would have to be some hardware indentifier in the card, that when when you run the setup menu and select Delta 44, it should ask "which one" Then it would seem that alls theres too it?

I would think you would want a way to seperate the databases for both instances of PowerSDR? Say one needs two SDRs...connected to one machine and running the upcoming 1.6 release. If you run both, does it not use the same database, cause all your doing is running the same program again. If for instance I want one SDR to be an HF machince and the other SDR one dedicated for using the UCB and my transverter interface, I would think you need a seperate database to keep all the goofy setting seperate. Or would one simply install PowerSDR a 2nd time and choose a seperate directory? That way it would have a seperate database?

Boy, this would be great for real estate space. A Pent 4 3.4 GHz with a gig of ram should have no problems...especially a HyperThread chip, PowerSDR on each thread?

Hope you can look into this Eric!


Mike- KM0T

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