I recently came across a CW Transmit problem while running the official Flex 
1.6.1 code, and Eric at Flex has tried to replicate it but has not had any 
luck.  And I'm wondering if anyone else has seen it, or could keep a lookout 
for it occuring.
  The problem is this - sometimes (infrequently) when transmitting CW, the 
Transmit RF envelope will look as though it has AM modulation on it, rather 
than being a nice, clean continuous-wave envelope.
  Why is this a problem, you may ask?
  What seems to be happening is that, whenever the CW RF waveform appears to 
have modulation on its envelope, what's really occuring is that the Line Out 
Audio I & Q channels from the soundcard to the SDR1K radio no longer have a 90 
degree relationship.  The phase delta is something other than 90 degrees (and 
this new phase value appears to be random). 
  The result is that I'm not just sending at one frequency, but two!  For 
example, if my CW Pitch is set to 600 Hz, I end up transmiting on both the 
intended frequency and one 1200 Hz (i.e. 2 * 600) away.  That is, I 
simultaneously transmit on CWL and CWU, rather than on only one or the other.  
  Clearly this is not a good thing to have happen. 
  When it occurs, this envelope-type effect will continue as long as the unit 
is in Transmit mode (affecting dots and dashes alike), but, if the SDR1000 then 
returns to receive, chances are, when I transmit again, it'll be back to normal.
  For example, I just ran a test on my radio.  From the time I left Standby 
mode, it took me 53 transmit-receive "cycles" (in which a cycle consists of 
going completely back to receive before retransmitting) before the problem 
occured.  It then occured again after another 34 cycles, and then again after 
another 83 cycles.
  Later it occured twice within 22 cycles, and once after only 5 cycles -  its 
occurance seems to be random.
  But it does occur, and because of that, it's keeping me off CW.
  I've also replicated this problem with the 1.6.0 release, but have not seen 
it with 1.4.4.
  I'm running a stock Dell computer that I purchased from Flex along with my 
SDR1K last October.  The only other software that's running is my wireless 
network software.  And I'm using the Delta 44 card.  So there's nothing about 
my system which would appear to me to be out of the ordinary.
  The radio itself is setup as follows:
    Buffer:  2048
    SoundCard:  Delta 44
    Sample Ratte:  96 Ksps.
    Buffer Size: 2048 (but this doesn't seem to matter).
    Primary:  SDR
    Secondary:  None
    Semi-Breakin:  Enabled
    Weight:  50
    Ramp:  5 ms.
  My paddles are plugged into the back of the SDR1K, and I've unchecked 
"Iambic" so that I can use them as a handkey.
  The only reliable way to observe if the problem is occuring is to monitor 
your RF with an oscilloscope (although you may also be able to see the problem 
if you have a good spectrum analyzer (or a second SDR1K)).   
  If you don't observe your RF waveform, you may never know if this problem is 
occuring !
  If you can monitor your transmit waveform, if/when this problem occurs you'll 
see what looks like AM modulation on the CW envelope.  (The "depth" of this 
modulation varies with the "incorrectness" of the phase delta between the I & Q 
  I'm stumped as to what could be the cause of this problem.  I find it hard to 
imagine that it's something specific to my system, given that the system is 
"stock", but then again, who knows!  
  Any comments or suggestions would be welcome.
  Thanks, and 73,
  - Jeff, K6JCA
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