I have an uninformed question. What about Python?
Forgive the ignorance, I have a series of books and learning it is on my 
short list this winter. The web site states and I quote below:
 "Python runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, OS/2, Amiga, Palm 
Handhelds, and Nokia mobile phones. Python has also been ported to the 
Java and .NET virtual machines."

Jim Lux wrote:
> At 02:43 PM 10/18/2006, Eric Wachsmann wrote:
>> I'd like to have:
>> 1. A platform independent GUI.
>> 2. An IDE that makes GUI development "nice" (i.e. NOT VC6 style).
>> I am not stuck on any tool or language at this point as I don't have enough
>> information to say, "This is the best tool" or "This is the best language."
>> These two obviously go hand in hand.
>> What I can say is that from a GUI support/development standpoint, I have yet
>> to see anything that can compare to Visual Studio .NET 2003 (and this goes
>> for 2005 as well) in terms of GUI support/development productivity.  The
>> catch is that what makes this easy has been built in .NET which is, for all
>> practical purposes, Windows only.
> which is why you (generically, not Eric specifically) really want a 
> fork here.  Let the Linux UI evolve in a Linux compatible way, using 
> methods and tools that are congenial for Linux, and the Windows UI 
> evolve using the capabilities that Windows has.  The two OSes are 
> sufficiently different that cross platform compromise solutions will 
> be just that, compromise.  There ARE some cross platform approaches 
> which seem to be fairly powerful (e.g. Java) BUT, they have some 
> non-zero learning curve to get going.
> You also need to consider whether you're genuinely interested in 
> increasing the number of coding participants significantly (whether 
> for contributions to the mainline code or for private experiments). 
> That tends to push towards environments and tools that have wider 
> existing market penetration (Windows,.NET, VS in the WinXX world, 
> whatever the equivalents are in the Linux world..I only do GUI in 
> Windows.. my Linux coding is all command line/script file style)
> Jim, W6RMK 
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