At 07:32 AM 1/25/2007, Ken N9VV wrote:
>HI Jerry, thanks for your email. I imagine Tim will respond as well.
>The KB is internally searchable (search menu item at top of page) and to
>the best of my knowledge is not exposed externally to Google. Many of
>the items in the KB are proprietary and copyrighted to Flex-Radio Systems.

copyrighted doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't be visible to google
proprietary is a bit trickier.  If by that you mean "trade secret", I 
kind of doubt anything in the kb fits in that category (requires 
identification as trade secret, individually executed agreements, 
etc.)   If by proprietary you mean "kind of a pain for non registered 
users to get to" perhaps.

I would suggest that it should be visible to google, but perhaps 
restricted in access, much the same as Google returns hits to journal 
articles in ieeexplore or other databases.  You click on the google 
hit, and get the "login screen" to authenticate that you can see it 
(or pay for it, etc.)

As wonderful as any local search engine might be, it ain't google.

Jim, W6RMK

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