The correct terminology for a Flex Radio. 

"Open Source software defined radio."

John P. Basilotto
Chief Operating Officer
Marketing and Sales
Office  512 535-5266
FAX    512 233-5143

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Lux
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:10 AM
To: Dudley Hurry
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Power SDR w/other radios

Quoting Dudley Hurry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on Mon 19 Nov 2007  
08:47:05 PM PST:

> Nope..  Nearly all other radios are Software Controlled Radios,  the
> 5K is a Software Defined Radio.    The Softrock can be used with
> PowerSDR console also.
> At 09:54 PM 11/19/2007, Ken wrote:
>> I have been using the new Flex-5000 and loving it!
>> However, I also have a TS2000 and an IC7000.  Can the Power SDR be used
>> with either one of these radios?

The IC7000 *is* a software defined radio, just the software happens to  
be a prom that is not user changeable.

The main difference between software based radios like the IC7000 and  
the Flex radios is that in the latter, most of the signal processing  
is done in  software that is running on a general purpose commodity  
PC, as opposed to a mask programmed DSP.  PowerSDR provides three  
basic functions: User interface, Hardware control, and Signal  
processing.  Something like Ham Radio Deluxe hooked up to my IC7000  
provides just the first, with the IC7000 responsible for managing the  
RF hardware and providing the signal processing (a mix of analog and  

Interestingly, the SDR1000 and Flex5000 differ a bit in the middle  
function, hardware control. For the SDR1000, PowerSDR has to do all  
the work of controlling the DDS, for example, calculating the phase  
increments, loading it out in bytes to the AD9854, etc.  In the F5K,  
PowerSDR just sends a "set the frequency" message to the box, which  
then takes care of the gory details of hardware control.

Actually, terms like SDR get bandied about quite a bit with different  
people meaning different things.  Here's some background. <flame suit  
on.. this gets controversial>

Software controlled:  Something where the hardware design defines how  
the radio works, but has "switches and knobs" controlled by software.  
My 20 year old FT757 is software controlled: there's a microcontroller  
inside that sends commands to the CMOS switches, relays, and  
synthesizers in response to things like button presses and turning the  
tuning knob.

Remote controlled: There's an external interface that lets you send  
commands and get telemetry back (My 20 year old FT757 responds to  
commands on a TTL serial port, and returns the AGC voltage.. the  
IC7000 uses the CI-V protocol, etc.)

Digital radio: A radio where signal processing is done by digitizing  
the signal and doing stuff with the digitized samples.

Software Defined Radio: A radio where some of the *signal processing*  
is done in software (e.g. modulation, demodulation, filtering).  The  
key aspect is that the overall function of the radio can be changed  
without changing the hardware design.  This would exclude some  
"digital radios" where the signal processing is done digitally, but by  
fixed logic that is not programmable (e.g. designs from the 70s and  
80s using Multiplier Accumulator chips and NCOs).

The term "software reconfigurable" is often used to distinguish from  
radios which use DSP (software) to do the signal processing, but where  
it's in a mask ROM or similar non-changeable form.  That is, the  
radio's behavior and function can be changed fairly easily, without  
replacing a physical component.

Here's where the arguing starts... if it's a "soft"ware defined radio,  
is a radio that does processing with a DSP and the software in PROM a  
SDR or  "firm"ware defined radio?  What about a radio where the signal  
processing is done in a FPGA, either one-time-programmable, or  
reprogrammable, and, if the latter, does it matter whether the FPGA  
configuration data is stored in PROM vs EEPROM/flash vs RAM/diskdrive.

There's also a distinction made by whether the signal processing is  
done by a general purpose processor (as in the Flex-Radio products) or  
by a specialized processor (DSP10 or USRP).  All of these are "soft"  
in the sense that it's pretty easy to change the function of the  
radio, without changing the hardware.

There's all sorts of gradations, too.  Some folks think "software  
radio" should really only apply to "antenna/LNA connected to A/D",  
with all tuning and conversion done in the digital domain by  
programmable logic and processors. (Most GPS receivers fit here, by  
the way.)

Others allow some frequency conversion and/or bandlimiting ahead of  
the A/D (the Flex-radio products fit here, especially if you run a  
transverter), but do most of the tuning and filtering in the digital  

Yet others have software radios with fairly conventional  
superheterodyne design to baseband or an IF, then digitize that and  
use software/firmware from there back. The IF is often chosen to have  
some relationship with the A/D sampling rate (e.g. an odd multiple of  
sampling rate/4). Most spacecraft radios/transponders being designed  
these days use this architecture(e.g. an IF of 130 MHz sampled at 40  
MS/s), as do radios like the IC7000 (which has a last IF in the  
10-20kHz range for narrow band signals).  The choice of frequency plan  
is driven (mostly) by selectivity and signal bandwidth. The IC7000 has  
to deal with lots of narrow band signals in a dense environment. A  
radio at Mars doesn't have these problems, but does need fairly wide  
bandwidth to accommodate high rate signals and doppler uncertainty.

The key is really that "software reconfigurability"... you can  
implement a new modulation format without changing the hardware.  Not  
just changing the parameters of an existing format (e.g. FM deviation  
or filter bandwidth), but whole new modulations (e.g. OFDM instead of  
BPSK, FM instead of AM or SSB).

Hams have been doing this for a number of years already with "sound  
card modems" for things like PSK31, Olivia, etc., using a standard SSB  
transceiver as a tunable RF front end transverter to audio  
frequencies. It was a natural outgrowth from dedicated modems when PCs  
got powerful enough to do the processing.  Is my FT757 with MultiPSK  
on a laptop a "software defined radio"? I can load up Stream instead,  
and have a different implementation of the modem and user interface.

In the (pro) SDR world, by the way, these are called "waveforms" which  
are instantiated on a "platform". The term waveform is a bit confusing  
at first; consider a radio as a transducer/translator between  
information on one side (voice, data, contact closures on a paddle)  
and some RF signal.  The waveform defines everything about that  
transformation, not just the actual voltage vs time of the RF.  For  
instance, it can encompass all the protocol details in a digital data  
protocol. Conventional 2m APRS for instance, is a waveform, composed  
of a modulation spec (AFSK at 1200bps), a protocol (AX.25), and a  
protocol on top of that (the APRS message formats), and some defined  
behaviors for relaying, etc.

In theory, I can implement the APRS waveform on ANY suitable SDR  
platform (assuming it can tune the frequencies and has sufficient  
computational crunch and the right interfaces).  And, any APRS  
waveform implementation should be able to talk to any other APRS  
waveform implementation over the air.

These days, there's not much claim for portability of the actual  
waveform implementations, at least in the ham world (that is, I can't  
take APRS implemented for platform A and just drop it into platform B  
and have it work), although there is a lot of work towards just that  
end in the Department of Defense (JTRS) and in the commercial world  
(OMGs SCA). And, certainly, pieces of ham waveform implementations are  
portable (e.g. dttsp implements FM and AM modulators and demodulators,  
and is fairly platform independent. There are digital mode programs  
that run on lots of different hardware brands with a variety of OSes.  
etc.)  In the case of PowerSDR, it's compatible with several hardware  
platforms (SDR1000, Flex5000, SoftRock), but RF architecture-wise,  
those are all quite similar.  Adding support for a very different RF  
hardware platform would require substantial software changes to  
PowerSDR (the changes to dttsp would be fairly small, if any)

jim, w6rmk

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