I can pick out a Flex 5000 audio at least 4 out of 5 times. I proved 
that when K6JCA ran a test. I would have caught the 5th one but 
conditions deteriorated and it was difficult to hear the signal in its 
totality. There is something definitely wrong going on with the rig as 
concerns the audio. I can best describe it as a tearing sound on the 
high audio frequencies. This is not RF getting into the audio. It is 
definitely there and it is definitely not a local area thing. John, W5GI 
has very nice full audio, no one can deny that - But John like all other 
5000 users,  has that trademark audio tearing. Is this some digital 
artifact creeping into the audio chain? - I don't know. It is there and 
it isn't going away. I love my 5000 and I have sold my FTdx9000a because 
I kept going back to the 5000 as my main rig, even with the abnormality 
in the audio. I hope that there will be a fix to the problem and I only 
wish I knew of someway to help other than to describe what I and many 
many others hear on the signal.

de Mike, K6ZSR

Jimmy Jones wrote:
> Thank you
> Someone else can hear.
> I was beginning to wonder.
> On Tue, 2008-07-08 at 12:18 -0700, K6JEK wrote:
>> It not just Jeff.   I'm one of the guys who've been listening to the  
>> various audio tests.  We first noticed something funny in someone  
>> else's 5000 before Jeff even got his. We ran experiment after  
>> experiment. This guy finally returned his for a refund.  Then another  
>> fellow (not in the local rag chew group) broke in with his 5000 to  
>> say he's just waiting for someone to figure this out.  His 5000 had  
>> the same problem.  We've been listening and recording with a variety  
>> of equipment ranging from 1000's to direct conversion home brews.
>> It is subtle.  It might be rare.  But it is not unique to JCA
>> I think Jeff's nailed it.  The audio up through the driver stage is  
>> perfect.  It gets funky in the final.  Why and what to do about it is  
>> another matter.
>> Jon
>> On Jul 7, 2008, at 8:52 PM, Jeff Anderson wrote:
>>> I agree, it's peculiar.  But again - if it's a leveler issue (i.e.
>>> software) I'd expect to hear it at the PA driver, too.  But I don't  
>>> (but
>>> perhaps others do?  Ref:  1st half of 6 July test).  By the way, I  
>>> just
>>> checked, and the Leveler has been OFF (box not checked) for all of my
>>> tests.  The only TX effect I have enabled is TX EQ, which is set to  
>>> the
>>> same EQ values for all of my tests.
>>> What I wonder is this:  can distortion at RF (rather than at AF) have
>>> this same "soft compression" effect, after the RF is demodulated?
>>> - Jeff
>>> Frank Brickle wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 7:30 PM, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>     Frank, I agree, I'm sure the distortion is not in the ADC/DAC
>>>>     components
>>>>     (nor software, nor input stages) either, because I don't hear it
>>>>     at the
>>>>     5K PA's *driver stage* output, which is well after the output DAC
>>>>     (ref:
>>>>     1st half of 6 July recording).  The problem only pops up at  
>>>> the output
>>>>     of the *final* stage.
>>>> What's peculiar about the compression is that it's "soft," not
>>>> clipped. You have to wonder about the leveler settings.
>>>> 73
>>>> Frank
>>>> AB2KT
>>>> -- 
>>>> "Sapristi nabolis!" -- Count Jim Moriarty
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