
If you see these spikes and nothing is disrupted in PSDR, there really isn't
a problem is there? Do you have any symptoms of a problem while running the

If you are having problems, I would not invest any more in that
motherboard/cpu/memory. AMD Athlon X2 250 - $65, ASUS M2A74 microATX
motherboard - $60, 2GB of G. Skill DDR2-1066 memory - $53. For $178 you can
have a retooled system that will really work well.

Neal Campbell
Abroham Neal Software
(540) 645 5394 NEW PHONE NUMBER

Amateur Radio: K3NC
DXBase bug reports: email to
Abroham Neal forums: http:/

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Alan NV8A <> wrote:

> On 02/13/10 04:53 pm, Neal Campbell wrote:
>  I don't think the 3DConnexion device is a logitech so it sounds like you
>> don't have the config I was talking about but instead have the one I
>> recommend.
> 3DConnexion is now a Logitech company but was not originally, it seems.
>  You might google for a program called processhacker.exe and run it while
>> you
>> are running your PSDR setup. It acually has an entry for DPCs in the
>> display
>> and color codes those processes that are grabbing a lot of resources. You
>> might luck out and see what pops  in and out when you see the 7000us spike
>> which will provide more to investigate.
> I installed ProcessHacker 1.11, the latest that is claimed to be stable. It
> does indeed show a line for DPC, but all it tells me is the CPU usage. Even
> when DPClat showed a spike of 2500, I could find nothing in ProcessHacker to
> tell me what had caused that spike.
> ProcessHacker did give me some useful information, however. Since it showed
> me the path of some processes that were running, I could see that they were
> part of CA Internet Security, and I killed them off.
> I then Googled 'ProcessHacker,exe DPCs' in the hope of finding out how to
> have the program tell me what programs or processes were responsible for the
> DPC spikes. I did not find that information, but I found on a PreSonus forum
> a thread dealing with DPCs. One suggestion was to run processhacker from the
> command line with parameters that would suspend acpi.sys (but it needs to be
> reenabled before shutting the machine down). Also in that thread was a link
> to an official PreSonus document that says that the nForce4 chipset is the
> cause of many DPC problems -- precisely the chipset on my motherboard.
> So do I now
> (a) put up with it;
> (b) find a different Socket939 motherboard, so I don't have to buy a new
> CPU and new RAM (but I would undoubtedly still have to reinstall Windozzze);
> or (c) get a more recent motherboard with compatible CPU and RAM (and again
> I would have to reinstall Windozzze)?
>  One other type of software I avoid is the video card display managers
>> (like
>> ATI's Catalyst, etc). These things are almost as onerous as Logitech stuff
>> and again you just need the drivers, Windows can manage the rest unless
>> you
>> are a gamer and want to overclock the GPU, etc.
> I already had Catalyst disabled.
> 73
> Alan NV8A
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