Hi all,
Looks like it's time for a new computer, as the old one is starting to do really weird stuff. We took a nearby lightning strike last summer that came into the house via the cable company (Comcast) coax. Smoked the modem, cable TV box and everything with an ethernet port. My ham gear is well protected and survived the strike. My wifes computer was the oldest, so she got the shiny new computer. I put an ethernet card into my machine and it worked, but I think there was other damage to the MB.

I'd like to configure the machine primarily for the Flex 5K, along with daily internet use. What processor would you recommend? Intel I3, I5 I7, Xenon? How about O/S........I'm inclined to go with Win7, but 32 or 64 bit? I have two displays, so I'll need a video card that has ports for dual displays.
Is one gig of video memory sufficient?

I'm looking for a machine that's fast and can handle the Flex and online tasks (No video editing) at the same time. I want to purchase "enough" computer, but not way more than I need. Your ideas and opinions are most welcome!

Tnx & 73 de bob,

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