> It's working for me with the latest CVS of both FlightGear and the
> base package as of Saturday morning, except for a version mismatch --
> JSBSim rejects the config file in the base package because it is
> version 1.55 rather than 1.56.  You can just change the VERSION
> attribute at the top, or (better yet) update all aircraft config files
> from the JSBSim CVS.

Finally, got all the version numbers cleared about and after fixing the
small glitch in the options parser did a test run.

Strange stuff, the tiles loaded but all the scene displayed is sky and water
and both engines started with either the left or right magneto switch, but
it did fly.

Okay, cleaned out everything ( I mean like rm -r ~/FlightGear, etc) did a
fresh install this morning across the board including the base package as of
01 Dec. Did a fresh build and flew the c172 from KSFO. looks okay.

Switching to the c310 worked EXCEPT  Simgear parser could not find the

There is no panel directory in ~/Aircraft/c310/ but there is a file called
c310-vfr-panel. Looks like more work in progress or did the tar mess up the
directory structure?

Changed the name of the file. Now it fails. it looks like the magcompass is
missing, but it is there in the c172 .xml file??
Tried commenting out the magcompass. That did not work, program just hangs..

Any ideas, suggestions

John W.

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