Christian Mayer wrote:

> Erik Hofman wrote:
>>I don't say why should move to SDL, but I like it and *if* we move away
>>from GLUT (which in my opinion would be a good idea) then SDL would be
>>my favorite alternative.
> Well, there are thoughts to make PLIB 2.0 GLUT independant as it whould
> ship directly with FreeGLUT (one of the reasons why PLIB took over the
> FreeGLUT "development")

SDL will give a much greater control over the keyboard/joystick code 
(which makes it probably easier for the properties manager code)

>>And again, it would remove a lot of ugliness from SimGear.
> Can you be a bit more specifc about that?

FlightGears timing code has a lot of archticture specific #ifdefs in it, 
and this will happen also if we want to make threading multi-platform 
(i.e. support Win32 and MacOS).

There are probably other places which would benefint from it also (all 
*basic* OS stuff).


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