Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I finally got a chance to try the new 3d cockpit interior and it is
 > a very good start.  It's pretty awkward trying to fly with the
 > keyboard and pan the view with the mouse since I'm used to flying
 > with the mouse.

In that case, consider rebinding the arrow keys to pan the view.  That
worked well for me (I keep it as a local mod loaded from my .fgfsrc).
I'm appending the bindings to the end of this message.

 > I did a lot of autopilot assist and it's very interesting.  It does
 > give you a much better feeling of being inside an aircraft.
 > Portions of the scene that should be blocked out are blocked out.
 > The only thing missing to make it completely realistic is a large
 > individual in the right seat to totally block your view out there.

I'll accept contributions of 3D models.

Here are my bindings for making the arrow keys control the view:




     <key n="356">
      <desc>Scroll view left</desc>

     <key n="357">
      <desc>Scroll view up</desc>

     <key n="358">
      <desc>Scroll view right</desc>

     <key n="359">
      <desc>Scroll view down</desc>




All the best,


David Megginson

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