> The issue of visual feedback is a good point.  I wonder if the best
> solution would be to turn off the mouse cursor entirely and use the
> control indicators on the panel or hud?  With a little work, we could
> support the simultaneous display of a virtual (er, "real" in this
> context) panel and a screen-space one that appeared only in certain
> contexts.  This would be a good candidate for a fps counter, too.  The
> current one is invisible in too many contexts to be really useful.

On the 2D panel and the HUD, we already have visual control feedback.
On the 3D panel, we can replace the scale indicators with a moving yoke.

For the FPS, which I think is a really good idea, at one time it was an
element in the standard HUD as well as being in the non-HUD default.

If you put an instrument in the corner of the 2D panel that looks like a
fuel gauge with a non-linear scale, we can put in colored segments:
* RED 0-10 fps ... unacceptable for any FAA training-related usage
* YELLOW 10-25 fps ... acceptable for training, but doesn't look nice
* GREEN 25-60 fps ... smooth scrolling television camera-like motion
* uncolored 60-100 fps ... completely pointless rates (not human visible)

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