Norman Vine writes:

 > This was IMHO necessary for the MOUSE_YOKE mode and
 > very useful for the other modes.  Some of this was compile time
 > configurable,  FWIW this was fairly tricky to get right at first but
 > is fairly straight forward once you figure out what you need.
 > ie when cycling into  YOKE Mode you want the cursor to reflect
 > current state of the stick !!

I don't know how the mouse code ended up, but when I originally wrote
it, this wasn't necessary -- I just used scaled mouse movement to move
the controls, rather than reading an absolute screen position (as I
would with a joystick), so there was no need for the mouse code to
remember the mouse's screen position.  I'm doing the same thing now in
the new input.cxx code, and yoke mode seems to work OK.

 > I think that most of this can be programmed into the newer system
 > if wanted by adding  saved_x, saved_y mouse position in each of the
 > modes.  ie give each mode state as to cursor location.

Again, I use the amount of mouse movement rather than the absolute
screen position to control the view (and did in the original GUI mouse
code as well), so there is no need to keep the original position
except for aesthetics.

It wouldn't be hard to code up multiple saved viewpoints, but I think
that we should wait to see how Jim's viewer overhaul turns out first.

All the best,


David Megginson

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