On 10/7/02 at 5:50 AM ace project wrote:

>I want to know how you guys want the property list to
>be organised. Do we use something like:
>/network/pilot[n]/position/ (lat,alt, etc)
>/network/pilot[n]/[network-module-name]/ (module
>specific stuff)
>I will need this soon(3 weeks tops), as my little
>coding is getting close to completion. ATM, I'm
>completing the sequence handlers and debugging some
>minor stuff. After that I will make the code compliant
>with the FGSubsystem system and synchronise to the
>property tree.
>I most interrested in people working on the AI module,
>since this is the closest area of development to mine.
>ACE multiplayer engine project.

Hi Leon,

Looks fine to me, and given that no-one else has complained I'd go ahead
and use what you want :-)  At the moment the one AI plane implemented has
no logic to avoid other traffic anyway, so for now it dosen't really
matter.  Eventually as AI and ATC evolve then we'll have to find some way
of making sure they can take multiplayer traffic into account as well as
the primary user, and the multiplayer stuff will have to supply a bit more
information through the property tree, for instance ATC will need to know
the rough class of plane (light/heavy etc) in order to have an idea of how
to sensibly fit it into the approach pattern etc.  We can cross these
bridges if and when we come to them...

Once you get this working we all ought to have a communal virtual fly-in at
David M or Alex's local airports sometime :-)

Cheers - Dave

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