Frederic BOUVIER writes:

 > > hehe...Curt should have caught that preflight.  Lucky for him
 > > they were bone dry :-) Maybe we should randomize tank level.
 > Do we have a working fuel gauge ? Can't check for the moment.

Yes we have, at least for the 172.  Note, however, that regular fuel
gauges are not all that reliable, so much so that they are not even on
the preflight checklists at my flying club; instead, you climb up and
stick a finger in each tank.  Of course, turns and accelerations cause
the fuel to move around, but the needles often bounce around even when
you're on the ground.  I wouldn't trust them within 0.25 of a tank.

I've read a aviation writers claiming that fuel gauges kill more
people than they save by giving misleading readings, the only reliable
fuel gauge is a watch, etc. etc.

For now, our simulated gauges are very reliable, however.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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