> Jon Berndt writes:
> 1. We have several different FDMs and need a common mechanism for
>    setting and displaying fuel levels for all of them.
> 3. When we restore a saved flight, we want to be able to start with
>    the same amount of fuel we had when we saved the flight.
> Please remember that FlightGear is not just a
> visualizer for batch-mode aero runs -- people use it to fly
> interactively.  A fixed setting in an FDM-specific static init file
> isn't sufficient.

The question is: which one should override which? As for FlightGear being
a visualizer, well, Duh! Of course I agree with your statement. My own
preference is to set the fuel level in the config file and let it be, but
that's just me. I don't recall that change being made, so it was a bit of
a surprise to me.


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