Jon Berndt writes:

 > The JSBSim config files have fuel loaded for the X15, the X24B, the C310,
 > the C172, etc. But NOT the shuttle (we just use it as a glider). I don't
 > know what this "consumables" thing it, but JSBSim loads its aircraft with
 > fuel in the JSBSim config files. If it has no fuel, the FlightGear is
 > screwing around with the fuel, after the aircraft is already loaded by

David replied:

> Right.  We allow the users to change the fuel level, so the default in
> the JSBSim config file doesn't matter.

Hmmmm. I don't like this at all. Why was this done? For one thing, in the
JSBSim config file the capacity is listed there as well, so one can easily
be alerted to accidentally giving too much fuel. There should be one place
for this to be done. Overriding the config file value will confuse people,
and make people think something is broken. Like it has here. Also, there are
mass properties isues. This "feature" needs to be removed from FlightGear, I


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