I've been thinking about the JSBSim shuttle model lately, and making a HUD
for it (at some point). Here is a diagram of the set of symbols which can
appear on the shuttle HUD:


There are a few things missing, but it's almost all there. The thing is, I
don't know if it is possible to draw the runway outline using our
configurable HUD, and I am especially doubtful that the Guidance diamond
would be possible to do. It might be possible to use the configurable
autopilot/FCS capabilities of JSBSim to calculate guidance targets, but
even if we could, I am not sure how the information could make it back to

Also, for landing there is an important CRT page that would display (using
OpenGC?) called SPEC 50 (HORIZ SIT). See page 18 of this document:


The shuttle is seen on the display, the runway, the outline of the heading
alignment cone (HAC), and the predictor marks (where the shuttle is
predicted to be at 15, 30, and 45 seconds (IIRC) in the future given
current steering).

Also, the panel looks like this:


It would be nice to model some of the left side stuff.

Question: What is the state of fgfs integration with OpenGC, now?


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