David Megginson wrote:
> Per Liedman writes:
>  > Not saying it's easy, not saying it's the right way to go, and
>  > *absolutely* not volunteering to code one for FGFS, but MSFS2002
>  > definitely has CLOD which works for the whole globe, and yes - MSFS2002
>  > *is* a flight sim ;-) It has some quite visible "pops" and isn't
>  > perfect, but they achieve high frame rates and there are no real
>  > problems pushing the far clip plane way out. Just proof that it *is*
>  > possible, given a huge amount of well paid programmers! :-)
> If it has pops, how is it CLOD?  There must be some discrete steps in
> there somewhere.

You can set the level of detail you want it to generate through a slider, so
it's definitely not precalculated stuff. However, I guess they recalculate
the mesh only once in a while, so you can see quite clearly when it
regenerates the data and create finer detail, remove detail, etc. I don't
know what the exact definition of CLOD is, but in my mind it's a LOD
mechanism which doesn't do its calculations off-line, and in that case
MSFS2002 qualifies.

BTW I'm quite sure I've seen "pops" in CLOD demos too - or have I just
misunderstood the term "pop"? What I mean is that you can see when the algo
adds or removes detail. Most demos I've seen are quite good and it isn't
always that obvious, in MSFS' case, it's very obvious.

Per Liedman

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