
> If everything in MSFS is off by the same amount, then it may be a
> problem with Microsoft's spheroid code (or lack thereof).  I know that
> Norm did a lot of work to get the WGS84 stuff right in FlightGear, and
> I'm amazed by how often roads and rivers *do* end up at the bottoms of
> valleys and canyons, given the different resolutions of the data.
> If everything in MSFS is off by different amounts (i.e. sometimes a
> road is in the right place, sometimes it's 200m to the north, etc.)
> then we're probably dealing with a resolution problem in the data.  I
> think that vmap0 is nominally World Aeronautical Chart (WAC)
> resolution, 1:1,000,000; things will be off by a couple of hundred
> meters sometimes.

I think, neither nor. I didn't make a close investigation, but I US/Canadian
data seem to be (all?) correct (within a reasonable precision). The
surrounding of Vancouver has all canyons right (within a certain presision)
even after adding a better mesh.

I know, too, that all (as far as I know) German river/road data plus those
of at least some other European countries are off by around 200 m. All by
the same amount.

There's even an excellent commercial add-on Scenery for Southern Germany
available including a high resolution mesh from a famous third-party
developer since a few weeks. Even they were not able to correct rivers and
roads now but refer to a patch to be released "sometime later".

Some German airports are misplaced a bit, too, btw. Makes for funny effects
where add-on developers use the correct data.

My take is MS just screwed up something in the calculation/conversion of
European scenery. Neither a problem with raw data nor with the general
procedure. Just my guess. Beta testing is mostly done in the US.

Regards, Michael

        Michael Basler, Jena, Germany
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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