Michael Basler writes:
> > > 
> My take is MS just screwed up something in the calculation/conversion of
> European scenery. Neither a problem with raw data nor with the general
> procedure. Just my guess.

Note that for both GLOBE and VMAP0 the data for each country
was provided by the national authority concerned.

So the data *may* be 'intentionally' off by 200 meters between the
2 data sets yet still be within the 'precision' of the data set.

Another possibility is that when rasterized the vmap0 data is referenced 
differently then vmap0 for Germany then if a different point within the pixel 
is used as the location value compared to what is used in the GLOBE data 
set this would explain a 'systematic' error.

for example in one possible scenario
since cos(50*) < rough latitude of germany > = ~ .6,  the actual 
east west coverage of a pixel of GLOBE is ~600 meters
and if developers of the Scenery use the center of the pixel
instead of the lowerleft corner of the pixel as the location
of that data set then everything will be shifted ~300 meters

The above is just for illustration and may not be actual fact but 
illustrates how easy it is to get a systematic error of ~250 meters
when dealing with data that only has 'precision' of 1:1,000,000
or 1 km per pixel

also note that 250m is well within the 'noise' of the data and no amount 
of overzooming will ever make it more 'precise'



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