Hi there,

Oops, it is a pre release for "Mac OS X."
Anyway, I like to give a feedback on fgfs/mac os x to other developers.

On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Tatsuhiro Nishioka wrote:
> The FlightGear 1.9.0-pre1 has been released.
> Please download the package from:
> http://macflightgear.sourceforge.net/home/downloads/
> Feedbacks are very welcome. Please consult ReadMe in the package before the 
> flight.
> 1.9.0-pre1 looks like 1.0.0, but it actually is very different from 1.0.0.

There are some crash problems on 1.9.0-pre1. (I built it up with cvs as of 2 
days ago since the tarballs is still being downloaded :-( )
Here are the problems and log.

1) fgfs crashes when quitting on splash screen:

0   org.OpenSceneGraph.osgText          0x00b8ec77 osgText::Font::~Font() + 501
1   org.OpenSceneGraph.osgText          0x00b978e6 osgText::Text::~Text() + 70
2   org.OpenSceneGraph.osg              0x0082fda6 osg::Geode::~Geode() + 246
3   org.OpenSceneGraph.osg              0x00860723 osg::Group::~Group() + 243
4   org.OpenSceneGraph.osg              0x008610c4 osg::Group::~Group() + 232
5   org.OpenSceneGraph.osg              0x009076d5 osg::Camera::~Camera() + 573
6   org.OpenSceneGraph.osg              0x00860723 osg::Group::~Group() + 243
7   org.OpenSceneGraph.osg              0x00860723 osg::Group::~Group() + 243
8   fgfs                                0x002f2e9d __tcf_2 + 83
9   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x929d6fdc __cxa_finalize + 241
10  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x929d6ed0 exit + 33
11  fgfs                                0x002fde11 fgExit(int) + 53
12  fgfs                                0x0030756a fgOSMainLoop() + 142
13  fgfs                                0x002e4a73 fgMainInit(int, char**) + 719

I think this has something to do with the order of destruction.

(2) Concorde crashes  fgfs (SIGSEGV) when splash screen goes off.
 log shows:
    osgDB ac3d reader: could not find texture "concorde-warning.rgb"
    concorde systems started, version 2.5
   Updating adjusted fog parameters.
   Stopping audio after 0 sec: engine 1 shutdown
   Stopping audio after 0 sec: engine 2 shutdown
   Stopping audio after 0 sec: engine 3 shutdown
   Stopping audio after 0 sec: engine 4 shutdown
   AICarrier: Inside Operating Box
   AICarrier: Inside Operating Box

  no suspicious things I saw...
  scenery loaded, and gui menu came up, fps showed, and then crash.
  According to the crash log below,  it could be a driver bug or a problem in a 
sound file.
  I'll investigate it deeper 

crash log shows:
Thread 3 Crashed:
0   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x91439205 TIntToFloatBlitter<PCMUInt8, 
PCMFloat32>::Convert(void const*, void*, unsigned int) + 197
1   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913efa38 
PCMConverter::ConvertBufferList(unsigned long, CABufferList const*, 
CABufferList*) + 104
2   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913dfc52 
CBRConverter::RenderOutput(CABufferList*, unsigned long, unsigned long&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 178
3   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913df98c 
BufferedAudioConverter::FillBuffer(unsigned long&, AudioBufferList&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 236
4   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913dfb14 
AudioConverterChain::RenderOutput(CABufferList*, unsigned long, unsigned long&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 100
5   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913df98c 
BufferedAudioConverter::FillBuffer(unsigned long&, AudioBufferList&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 236
6   ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913f5323 
AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer + 275
7   com.apple.audio.OpenAL              0x007d4011 
OALSource::DoRender(AudioBufferList*) + 397
8   ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x700355fc AUMixerEntry + 13292
9   ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x70035890 AUMixerEntry + 13952
10  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7003ae8d AUMixer3DEntry + 7053
11  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7003c9e0 AUMixer3DEntry + 14048
12  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x70005fd2 0x70000000 + 24530
13  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7003e7c0 SystemOutputAUEntry + 1216
14  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7000ea0b 0x70000000 + 59915
15  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7000e164 0x70000000 + 57700
16  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7000d4bb 0x70000000 + 54459
17  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913e01b1 
AudioConverterChain::CallInputProc(unsigned long) + 209
18  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913dfdf4 
AudioConverterChain::FillBufferFromInputProc(unsigned long*, CABufferList*) + 84
19  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913dfd94 
BufferedAudioConverter::GetInputBytes(unsigned long, unsigned long&, 
CABufferList const*&) + 212
20  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913dfc1d 
CBRConverter::RenderOutput(CABufferList*, unsigned long, unsigned long&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 125
21  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913df98c 
BufferedAudioConverter::FillBuffer(unsigned long&, AudioBufferList&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 236
22  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913dfb14 
AudioConverterChain::RenderOutput(CABufferList*, unsigned long, unsigned long&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 100
23  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913df98c 
BufferedAudioConverter::FillBuffer(unsigned long&, AudioBufferList&, 
AudioStreamPacketDescription*) + 236
24  ....audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox      0x913f5323 
AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer + 275
25  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x7000cfc8 0x70000000 + 53192
26  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x70005fd2 0x70000000 + 24530
27  ...pple.audio.units.Components      0x70011c67 AUGenericOutputEntry + 10663
28  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio           0x91c34fe3 
HP_IOProc::Call(AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioBufferList 
const*, AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioBufferList*) + 319
29  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio           0x91c34cd4 
IOA_Device::CallIOProcs(AudioTimeStamp const&, AudioTimeStamp const&, 
AudioTimeStamp const&) + 274
30  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio           0x91c34bb0 
HP_IOThread::PerformIO(AudioTimeStamp const&) + 1246
31  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio           0x91c32f8b HP_IOThread::WorkLoop() + 
32  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio           0x91c32aaf 
HP_IOThread::ThreadEntry(HP_IOThread*) + 17
33  com.apple.audio.CoreAudio           0x91c23304 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) 
+ 96
34  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x929df6f5 _pthread_start + 321
35  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x929df5b2 thread_start + 34



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