On Monday 02 February 2009, Jon S. Berndt wrote:
> > Hi Melchior... and Andy
> >
> > I don't know about helos, but preventing an aicraft to slip on
> > the carrier
> > is *a real PITA*. The way to fix this leads to unrealistic
> > smooth gear struts,
> > not to talk about the time consumed.
> > Well it may not be a bug in YASim, but actually it's a real
> > unfriendly feature.
> >
> > I guess I wont do better than Melchior with the gear code, so I
> > hereby add
> > "a friendly feature preventing aircraft to slip" to the YASim
> > wishlist.
> >
> > Huge tanks in advance,
> >
> > Alexis
> Do you know what's causing the slip? What forces are acting on
> the vehicle at rest on the carrier? Are winds ramped in with
> velocity? Is coriolis having an effect?
> Jon

I think it may be due to the wind.  With all the aircraft I did, 
which all used the YASim FDM, I noticed that while sitting on the 
runway, and if left alone for long enough, the aircraft would 
slowly weathervane in to the wind (I was normally using fixed i.e. 
non-METAR weather scenarios for FDM tuning, which only had a 
windspeed of 3 kts at ground level, and as I used this for all 
aircraft it became noticeable that the weathervaning was always at 
the same low rate and in the same direction).  The aircraft 
wouldn't move up or down the runway, at least with the brakes on.  
This suggested to me that the slippage problem only related to 
sideways movement of the wheels.

Have the people having bad problems with this tried increasing the 
values for the <sfric> & <dfric> gear sub-elements?


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