
On Monday 23 February 2009 03:41:17 Diogo Kastrup wrote:
> I finally got this working with the carrier, here is the patch. Please
> let me know what you guys think about it.
> Features:
> - No more sliding when should be stopped.
> - better behavior when cornering
> - better braking behavior *
> Problems:
> - More information about the brake system is needed to simulate the
> wheel locks better. This requires changes to the aircraft definition
> format. For now we may need to slow down the reaction to the brake
> button so we can stop planes easier without sliding. Brakes mapped to an
> axis should work much better.
> - More information about the tire in general could help improving the
> simulation.
> I may be a little busy and offline this week as I am moving to another
> city, but if you guys decide to commit this patch and some changes are
> required, just let me know and I will work on it ASAP.

Ok, I am working on a major overhaul to speed up and generalize the ground 
intersection stuff.
So parts of what you code is already covered by that more general approach. 

When I look at your patch, the only thing that is missing so far in the ground 
intersection api is the body fixed reference point of the body you are rolling 
I would suggest that we add this kind of reference point to the existing api 
so that you can make use of that.

As I told in an other mail, the way the surface velocities are computed and 
provided to the FDM have subtle problems in the current implementation.
May be this will already improve the way you stick on moving surfaces.



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