Hi Heiko,

On Tuesday 06 October 2009 08:16:11 am Heiko Schulz wrote:
> That's one the "best" article I found about ProFlightSim:
> http://ezinearticles.com/?Flight-Pro-Sim-is-the-Best-Simulator&id=2813712

Interesting, I actually decided to leave a comment behind, in response to this 
article, explaining that Flight Pro Sim is actually a repackaged version of 
FlightGear and that, while this is legal, we were actually hoping that our 
communication with the Flight Pro Sim team would be more open and less 
secretive on their part. I also stated being quite flattered by their praise 
regarding the accurate position of sun, moon, stars, and planets (since that 
was originally my code, except for the stars), :-). I think it turned out to 
be a relatively positive comment, and I'm really surprised that it still isn't 
posted there yet. All comments are moderated.... 

In actual fact, the above comment is quite the way I feel about this; I have 
no problem with somebody repackaging, re-branding and selling FlightGear, as 
long as the GPL is honored. Mainly, as long as the GPL is honored, I'm not too 
concerned about somebody making huge loads of cash behind our backs. Just to 
put it in perspective. I'm sometimes amazed at FlightGear's popularity. Yet 
the commercial re-branded versions are still extremely obscure. So, the 
majority will much sooner be drawn toward us than toward a competitor, and if 
a few copies are sold, the people buying them are completely free to 
distribute their copy, and eventually may find out about FlightGear itself. 
So, if the number of sales of a slightly improved FlightGear remains limited, 
I wouldn't have too many problems with that. Simply because the nature of the 
license and our popularity would correct the situation rather quickly. 
Basically, I'm assuming that you would have to live on another planet to get 
interested in Flight Simulation, buy Flight Pro Sim, and not eventually 
stumble upon one web page or another referring to FlightGear, or making the 
connection between FlightGear and Flight Pro Sim.

IF, on the other hand, the GPL license would not be honored than it wouldn't 
matter with license we choose because the perpetrator  wouldn't care anyhow. 
So, in essence, I believe that in our current situation the GPL is still our 
best option, guaranteeing our basic freedom.

My impression is that the person/people behind the Flight Pro Sim product are 
reasonably genuine in what they are doing, but that they have chosen a 
business model that is rather unfortunate; not only for us, but also something 
that would hurt themselves in the long run. This might not not necessarily be 
deliberate, but might be something borne out of inexperience. Since it isn't 
clear from their website that their product is an adaptation of FlightGear, 
imagine the disappointment of a buyer who as just found out. Now, in contrast, 
consider that I would be interested in a product called FlightGear Pro, from a 
reseller who clearly mentions up front that this program is a commercial 
adaptation of FlightGear, but with the added bonus of having a nice shell 
around it connecting all the loose bells and whistles in addition to having a 
knowledgeable help desk. Now somebody knowingly buying a program like that 
would never be disappointed due to the link between the free open source 
FlightGear program, and the commercially repackaged FlightGear-pro. And, 
likewise, I don't think that any of us developers would have a problem with a 
commercial distribution that is adding so many bells and whistles and service 
to the program 


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