
I made this patch some time ago, and seems like it is working quite
fine, so I though if it might be possible to add to git (if nothing
more, then maybe for future reference)?

It does two things. First I modified the skydome code to be more
configurable so that the precision could be increased (number of rings
and bands). Then I implemented the O'Neil's scattering shader to
showcase the scattering. I know that for the proper effect, terrain and
other objects should use the same shader, but that is probably future

Anyways, here are links to patches and effects. The flightgear patch
only makes clearcolor black, so that space is dark instead of gray.



Screenshots can be found from the forum thread:

And the command line to run the shader, it needs some properties set:
fgfs --prop:/sim/rendering/mie=0.003

The non-shader version should look just like it used to, but on some
occasions I think the sunset effect is a bit misplaced. I didn't touch
that code, so was it always like that? Can someone verify?

Cheers, Zan

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