On 16.04.2011 21:16, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
> If I'm not mistaken the particles issue has been around since we got
> particles, so it is apparently not that bad (leak and race
> condition) in practice.
Ok, thanks! I've create a bug issue as a reminder, in case someone else 
noticed the issue some day.

>> Not sure, but I guess the issues with "Effect" objects is probably worse
>> than with particles. There's a larger number of Effect objects - and
>> each is connected to a texture (.rgb/.png images) - which may occupy a
>> lot of memory. Just by starting at KSFO, loads of KSFO terminal textures
>> - and textures of 15 different MP aircraft immediately stick in memory...
> Yes, the big textures will eat memory fast. Particle systems usually use
> small textures (the effect of the accumulation of particle system updaters
> is noticeable with wildfire, though - but you'd need a lot of MP aircraft
> passing through to generate anywhere near those numbers of particle
> systems).
The effect/texture "mystery" is also solved - alas - explained. There is 
a global cache in simgear/makeEffect.cxx (effectMap), and it has no 
condition to ever drop anything. So, created effects always stay in 
memory until shutdown - hence also their textures. If that's used for 
scenery/MP aircraft a lot, it _might_ accumulate a lot of memory. Tim 
might know more about this :).


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