On 16.04.2011 16:24, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Apr 2011, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
> Hmm.. I should have added that I looked at this in early September last
> year so it is not fresh in my memory.
> IIRC the current code already does the fundamentaly unsafe operation of
> adding items to a STL vector (in the loader thread) while concurrent
> traversals of the same vector are possible (by various parts of OSG
> rendering). That is NOT SAFE but a lot less risky than deleting from an
> STL vector with concurrent traversal (consider the most likely internal
> representation of a STL vector to see why).
Ok, thanks a lot Anders for these hints! I'll open a tracker issue for 
the particle issue - so we won't forget these details. Can you estimate 
on how bad this issue could get? Does it only mean a minor memory leak - 
or could it get really bad over time (maybe eat some gigabytes in a 6 
hour TGA shift? :) ).

Not sure, but I guess the issues with "Effect" objects is probably worse 
than with particles. There's a larger number of Effect objects - and 
each is connected to a texture (.rgb/.png images) - which may occupy a 
lot of memory. Just by starting at KSFO, loads of KSFO terminal textures 
- and textures of 15 different MP aircraft immediately stick in memory...


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