On Tuesday, May 31, 2011 03:02:09 PM Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Hal,
> I can't follow your logic - because there are some aircraft that need a lot
> of work, the system shouldn't recognize "advanced features" in other
> aircraft that do have them? 

I should have been clearer - Sorry.  What I was trying to say is that we 
shouldn't need special cases to include this type of stuff in the rating.

> I also disagree with Stuart that such advanced
> features are nice-to-haves and add little to the simulation - why the hell
> are we including them then? Do the stores so nicely added to the P-51 add
> nothing? 

These add a lot.  I treated them as systems and included them in Systems 
rating.  Seemed like the right way to handle this stuff to me.

> On the other hand, the ability to change liveries adds to the
> model? Sure doesn't wring my withers, but I suppose the airliner
> aficionados (and I'm not one) absolutely must have that.

I agree with this (IE. that liveries only make sense for some models).  Stuart 
changed the External Model category to make liveries optional to get a 4 or 

> The P-51 is a superb model already, and at a reasonable frame rate here -
> about 75% of my benchmark figure. 

The yasim p51d gets about 35 FPS on my older system (it's probably a mid level 
system by todays standards) and the jsbsim version gets about 22 FPS under the 
same conditions.  Considering how much more detail there is in the JSBSim 
cockpit I think it does OK frame rate wise.

> It would benefit from a tutorial on the start procedure -

It does have a complete startup check list/procedure in the aircraft specific 
help that is basically copied from the pilots manual.  The startup is fairly 
simple (comparable to a single engine GA aircraft) so most users should be 
able to get it running by reading the startup check list/procedure.

> but apparently that would win no points either. That seems to be a missed 
> opportunity too. 

I agree that the quality of the aircraft specific help and the existence of 
tutorials needs to be factored into the rating system some how.

> I suppose the P-51 FDM is accurate -
> but I find it not all that pleasant to fly. 

There is a high pilot work load during take off and initial climb out and this 
makes things "unpleasant" during those part of a flight.  Once up to or above 
normal climb speed and trimmed it becomes fairly easy to fly.  It also can be a 
handful in high G maneuvers since it will snap if there is a yaw angle as you 
approach stall.  You can appoach stall at fairly high speeds in high G 
maneuvers without blacking out.  FG pilots will likely find this behavior 
surprising since the JSBSim P-51D is the only FG aircraft I know of that will 
do this.  But after the pilot gets used to this behavior it gives the pilot a 
level of feedback near stall that is very useful.  

> I would say that you have probably slightly underrated its score.

I may have been overly critical with my ranking but I have a very long todo 
list and I am acutely aware of how much work remains to be done.  I think this 
is a common situation among those who are trying to create very high quality 
models and I also believe that most individuals trying to create high quality 
models will tend to "underrate" their own models.  I think this is a good 
thing since it sets a very high bar.
> In the final analysis - the system currently proposed is only marginally
> better than the current "wet finger in the air" method. I think we are
> falling a bit short here in our aim to be both objective, and to tell users
> more about the available aircraft.

This I don't totally agree with.  The system is far from perfect but at least 
we have a documented rating system that is somewhat objective and fairly easy 
to do.  We can improve on it going forward to make it more complete and what 
we have now is a good starting place and is clearly better than the "wet finger 
in the air" method.

> In particular, the failure to tell users
> that they need a powerful system to use a model, and something about the
> difficulty of use, is going to disappoint and or frustrate users.

I think these are separate issues from rating model maturity.

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