On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 6:56 PM, ThorstenB wrote:
> Hi Stuart and all,
>  > http://wiki.flightgear.org/Formalizing_Aircraft_Status
> We have some (too few!) aircraft providing documentation / tutorials,
> i.e. how to start, how to use instruments... I like extremely
> detailed/realistic aircraft, and I'm not asking everyone to provide
> cheating autostart options. But realistic FDMs/cockpits/... are still of
> little use when people don't know how to use them. So, wouldn't it be a
> good idea to make the level of documentation/tutorials part of the new
> rating system? Especially since that's certainly of interest to new
> users (new to FG, or just new to the aircraft).

You may have seen that I've proposed putting it at least partly within the
 "Systems"  rating, as really it is related to operating those systems.

Thus far, my proposal is that for a Systems:3 rating, there must be
either in-sim instructions or a tutorial for the correctly modelled engine
startup.  I think that is reasonable, and will allow new users to at least
start the engine, if not get into the air.

We could extend that such that for each of the modelled systems for a given
rating there must be either
- in-sim help/checklist
- in-sim tutorial
- referenced documentation elsewhere (Manual, wiki, freely available PoH)

Does that seem reasonable or too draconian?

The problem with having it as a completely separate rating is that when
calculating an overall status for the aircraft  it "dilutes" the other ratings
(in particular FDM) unless one starts weighting the different ratings.


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