Hi Stuart and all,

 > http://wiki.flightgear.org/Formalizing_Aircraft_Status

We have some (too few!) aircraft providing documentation / tutorials, 
i.e. how to start, how to use instruments... I like extremely 
detailed/realistic aircraft, and I'm not asking everyone to provide 
cheating autostart options. But realistic FDMs/cockpits/... are still of 
little use when people don't know how to use them. So, wouldn't it be a 
good idea to make the level of documentation/tutorials part of the new 
rating system? Especially since that's certainly of interest to new 
users (new to FG, or just new to the aircraft).

So, how about adding "Documentation and Tutorials" rating section, like:

0: no documentation/tutorials available
1: aircraft key bindings dialog available, basic documentation included 
(i.e. readme.txt)
2: tutorials on basic aircraft operation available (at least start-up)
3: advanced tutorials available (start-up, autopilot, approach/landing 
4: highly advanced training tutorials available (i.e. covering 
emergencies/engine-failures etc)

You can certainly argue on how many points these are worth (compared to 
FDM/cockpit realism etc). But it shouldn't be ignored completely.

Any thoughts?


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