Hi Stuart,

> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> > You may also want to disable vegetation for better performance :
> > --prop:/sim/rendering/random-vegetation=0
> >
> > Regards,
> > -Fred
> Fred,
> I'd like to help out fixing bugs/limitations in Rembrandt. Given
> I wrote the random vegetation code, is this somewhere where
> I could lend a hand?
> I had a look at the code last night, and tried just setting the
> shadow camera to cull the vegetation nodes, but it didn't improve
> performance in any significant way.  Have you any thoughts
> about how this should be fixed?
> BTW - very much appreciate the top quality puns from the last
> couple of days!

The first thing to do it to convert the tree shader in a way it 
outputs correctly normals and colors to the 3 buffers. As long 
as you can see identically shaded objects in all three buffers, 
it's not good.

You may want to look into deferred-gbuffer[.vert/.frag] shaders
to see how to use gl_FragData instead of gl_FragColor. It's 
important to leave out all kind of shading. If you want the 
trees look cylindrical (put a better word here) and not flat,
you may bake a normal that is not strictly toward the viewer, 
as it is really a flat billboard, but you can leave that for 

I updated the wiki page to describe the new buffer layout.

As for the performance, I have a vague recollection that you 
say that the trees are first drawn alpha-tested and then 
alpha-blended. Can you elaborate on this if it's true ?

Don't hesitate to ask if something is not clear or incomplete.


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