Hi Geoff,

> First many thanks for a great wiki on building FG 
> with CMake in Windows using MSVC10 ;=))

Fred wrote it, I only added some minor things ;-)

> But I notice the link pointed to by the '3rdparty' 
> folder is to a specific file which has now been 
> removed from the site, namely :-
>  fgfs-win32-VS100-3rdParty+OSG-20120304.zip

Oops, fixed now (together with some other things). Thanks!

> Also on the FTP site I note the file names STILL 
> have +OSG in them, but they now do not contain OSG 
> headers/libs/dlls ;=() The previous 20120304 contained 
> install\msvc90\OpenSceneGraph... stuff.

That's also Fred's work...

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