> Rather, I'd offer a list of answers and allow the user to pick one - =
> that removes the parsing aspect and makes things a lot simpler, with no =
> loss of generality...
Good idea. I could use buttons labelled with note names...

> >  User selects a quit button which destroys all dynamically allocated =
> widgets.
> This step is probably unnecessary - if you program is ending, and the =
> process in which it runs is ending, then all the allocated memory will =
> be released by the process anyway... In which case actually making the =
> effort to explicitly destroy allocated widgets is nugatory work...
Eventually, I'd like this to be a portion of a larger program.  (eg. this would 
be one choice from a drop down menu... )In that case, is it more important to 
destroy widgets that go out of scope?

> > Here is the code I have so far.  It compiles and runs with my png =
> files, but I don't know how to:
>'ll cobble up a demo and post it, of how this might be =
> done in a more fltk'ish way.
> Might not be today though.
Thanks very much!  I never got this kind of response from my C++ prof!

> Key points though:
> - There are better ways to draw lines in fltk; where did you get this =
> approach from? It looks really quite... odd...

I took a code snippet from Greg Ercolano's tutorial website. This was the only 
drawing tutorial I could find - it was written to draw an X that could be 
resized and it works great for that.  I tried to modify the code to meet my 
needs, but I realized I must be making things more awkward then necessary.
> - If you are going to render a lot of musical symbols, loading a musical =
> font (such as Musica or etc.) will be easier than rendering lots of PNG =
> glyphs, and will also anti-alias and scale automatically.

I would really like to learn how to do this.  I was using .png files, which 
worked and didn't look bad, but It doesn't allow resizing and is pretty 
inflexible. I remember you mentioned Musescore. Do you know of tutorials on the 
web for loading and implementing font libraries?
> - The way the main window is being created and "run" here is holding you =
> back.
> - You need to see how to subclass a box and derive your own draw() =
> method to handle the drawing of your staff.
> Anyway, I'll try and make a demo, then post it for you to see.
> There are easier ways to do what you want!
> Thanks again Ian!

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