On 4 Mar 2013, at 18:32, Greg Ercolano wrote:

>       Ya, technically I'd agree it's best to use a font..
>       Though from a practical point of view, I've found over time
>       anything you can do to minimize modification of the OS to use
>       an app is often worth doing, even if it's at the expense of doing
>       what seems right design-wise.

If there's a suitable "music" font installed then it all Just Works anyway.
The only issue is if you want to distribute a font in your app, rather than 
installing it - then you get into platform-specific stuff to load the fonts at 
runtime... Which is a nuisance.
The Win32 is possibly the least hassle as it turns out!

Anyway, I tried my code under OSX and linux and it does work - but then I have 
the Musica font installed on those test machines, so that's hardly 

>       I'd probably do the same trick for drawing the notes; looking closely
>       at the 'dots' at the bottom of notes in sheet music, they aren't
>       just an ellipse, but are tweaked on the diagonal too. Tough to do
>       with FLTK's simple circle functions (though probably easy with
>       svg vector images or cairo).

Yup - svg would be nice, or Cairo.
But picking the note heads out of the font works nicely too, so...

>> And I was rushing anyway...!
>       Great job on making a nice full on app with a 'game' twist to it.

Thanks! The game aspect wasn't me though, that was just copying what I *think* 
Edgar said he was doing...

>       I 'played' it for a while until I was quite sure the "EGBDCF"/"FACE"
>       memory trick I learned back in Mrs. Bruninghaus's third grade music 
> class
>       was still serving me well..!

See - these things do stay with you!

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