>       Here's a small diff to Ian's code that draws an actual g-clef
>       into the staff using a hard coded 1 byte-per-pixel image of
>       a g clef.. screenshot:
>       http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/tmp/g-clef-app-snapshot.png

Yeah, I had wondered about doing that - particularly given that Edgar intimated 
he had PNG's for the musical glyphs he was using...

But, I'm still thinking that loading a musical font is the "best" way to go, 
and on that basis I was keen to show how to measure a font symbol so that you 
can render it in the "right place".

And I was rushing anyway...!

Really, I meant for the code to support resizing, but the version I posted 
doesn't (yet) - though the bits for that are more or less in place. Probably 

But because of all that, I decided not to pull in any "fixed" images or such...

Also, whilst I'm on...

- I meant to have a better scheme for keeping the score
- I meant to have better separation of GUI code from "game logic"
- I meant to have it better "documented"
- I meant to support resizing
- Other stuff I did wrong...

To Edgar; I meant to ask, what host platform are you developing on?
Doesn't really matter, but I was thinking of posting a music-font handling 
example, so that might need a bit of platform specific code, and I would aim 
for your preferred platform first...

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