> But, I'm still thinking that loading a musical font is the "best" way
> to go, and on that basis I was keen to show how to measure a font
> symbol so that you can render it in the "right place".
> And I was rushing anyway...!
> Really, I meant for the code to support resizing, but the version I
> posted doesn't (yet) - though the bits for that are more or less in
> place. Probably today...

OK - lunch break over; here's the "revised" version.

It should now support resizing and do something reasonable.

IF you are on a Windows platform,
AND you create a folder called "fonts" under the build folder,
AND you place a copy of "Musica306.otf" in the fonts folder,
THEN there's a fair chance that the code will use a real treble clef glyph...

Musica306.otf is the font file for version 3.06 of George Douros' Musica font, 
which looks OK on the screen and is fairly free.

I wonder where to download it? Hmm, maybe here?

I did this on the wild assumption that Edgar probably has access to a Windows 

This code (Windows build) tested on Win7 with Msys/mingw, and works nicely.

// Test demo - draw a staff
// fltk-config --compile staff-demo.cxx

#ifdef WIN32 // need this dance to make font handling load on Win32
#  define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
#  include <windows.h>

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Group.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Output.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

// some widgets we will use...
static Fl_Double_Window *main_win = 0;
static Fl_Button *quit_bt = 0;
static Fl_Button *repeat_bt = 0;
static Fl_Button *note_bt[8]; // 8 note names is enough for now...
static Fl_Output *out_txt = 0;

static int score = 0;

// Special platfom code to handle app specific fonts under Windows
static int have_music_font = 0;
static void load_extra_font(void)
#ifdef WIN32
    /* Load the font using the Windows API */
    have_music_font = AddFontResourceEx("./fonts/Musica306.otf", FR_PRIVATE, 0);
    /* setup the extra font */
#ifdef __APPLE__
                 " Musica");
} // load_extra_font

static void free_extra_font(void)
#ifdef WIN32
    if (have_music_font) {
        DWORD fl = FR_PRIVATE;
        PVOID pdv = 0;
        RemoveFontResourceEx("./media/Musica306/Musica306.otf", fl, pdv);
} // free_extra_font


// class to display the staff
class staff_view : public Fl_Box {
        void draw();

        // index used to hold the current note. Only 11 values used here,
        // 0..10, for notes D to G, since I can't be bothered drawing any
        // ledger lines...
        // For ease, I have made D == 0 here, but we really want A == 0 later 
so... yuck..
        int note;

        // constructor
        staff_view(int X, int Y, int W, int H) : Fl_Box(X, Y, W, H), note(0) { 

void staff_view::draw() {
        static char clef_G[2] = {'G', 0}; // a G clef... sort of...
        // U_treble_clef = 0x1d11e;  Unicode code-point for a treble clef
        static char treble_clef[5] = {0xF0, 0x9D, 0x84, 0x9E, 0}; // a G 
clef... as UTF8

        Fl_Box::draw(); // draw the base-class box first to give us an outline 
to fill...

        // determine some limits for us to draw staff lines into
        int ww = w();
        int hh = h();

        int gap = hh / 8; // space between the lines...
        int ht = gap * 4; // 5 lines, 4 gaps...
        int yo = y() + (2 * gap); // Y origin

        int xo = x() + 20; // X origin
        int len = ww - 40; // staff length
        int xe = xo + len; // X end

        fl_color(FL_BLACK); // set the colour first
        fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 2); // then set the line style

        // draw the endcaps... this is not pretty code...
        // get rid of all these dodgy hard-coded offsets...
        fl_line(xo, yo, xo, yo + ht);
        fl_line(xe-8, yo, xe-8, yo + ht);
        fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 4);
        fl_line(xe-2, yo, xe-2, yo + ht);
        fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 2);

        // draw 5 lines for stave
        int yl = yo;
        for (int idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx) {
                fl_line(xo, yl, xe, yl);
                yl += gap;

        // draw the clef - measure the clef symbol, so we can figure out where 
to draw it...
        int dx1, dy1, cw1, ch1; // for "real" clef
        int dx2, dy2, cw2, ch2; // for "fallback" clef

                // get the music font, and ask for it a bit bigger
                fl_font(FL_SYMBOL, (ht + (gap * 3)));
                //fl_utf8encode(U_treble_clef, clef); // Unicode treble clef
                fl_text_extents(treble_clef, dx1, dy1, cw1, ch1);
                int y_nudge = gap; // align the clef on the G line...
                fl_draw(treble_clef, xo - dx1 + 6, yo + dy1 + ch1 + ht - 
                // draw the clef; A big letter G in this case...
                fl_font(FL_TIMES, ht);
                fl_text_extents(clef_G, dx2, dy2, cw2, ch2);
                int y_nudge = (ht - ch2) / 2; // roughly centre the G in the 
staff - wrong, but looks OK...
                fl_draw(clef_G, xo - dx2 + 6, yo + ht + dy2 + ch2 - y_nudge);

        // draw the note... I really ought to do this better, but for now, just 
        // a filled ellipse and pretend it is a breve...!
        int note_width = (int)(gap * 1.4);
        int xn = xo + (len / 2) - gap; // set note x origin
        int yn = yo + ht; // set note y origin
        yn -= (gap * note) / 2; // offset note vertically by note value
        fl_pie(xn, yn , note_width, gap, 0.0, 360.0); // a breve, sort of...

        // now draw a semibreve too, just for fun...
        fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, 3);
        fl_arc(xn + (2 * gap), yn , note_width, gap, 0.0, 360.0);

        fl_line_style(0); // restore linestyle defaults before we leave...

// an instance of the staff class...
staff_view *staff = 0;

// to exit
static void cb_quit_bt(Fl_Button*, void*) {

// pick a random note
static void throw_dice() {
        int old = staff->note;
        int r = old;
        while (old == r) {
                r = rand();
                r = r % 11; // only 11 valid values in our test here
        staff->note = r;

// turn the answer buttons on and off...
static void set_ans_bt_state(int s) {
        if (s != 0) {
                for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
        else {
                for(int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {

// to play again
static void cb_repeat_bt(Fl_Button*, void*) {

// process the answer
static void cb_note_bt(Fl_Button* o, void*) {
  static char result[128];
  const char *lb = o->label();
  int ans = (staff->note + 3) % 7; // remap note from D == 0 to A == 0 range...
  int guess = lb[0] - 'A';
  if(guess == ans) {
        snprintf(result, 128, "Correct: You selected %s [%d]", lb, score);
  else {
        snprintf(result, 128, "WRONG: You selected %s, but we expected %c 
[%d]", lb, (ans + 'A'), score);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        // we'll use the basic random sequence generator,
        // seed it here

        load_extra_font(); // load the app-specific music font, if we support it

        // create the GUI
        main_win = new Fl_Double_Window(400, 400, "Treble Clef Note 
        // Let us set a minimum size for the window, just for
        // cosmetic reasons...
        main_win->size_range(280, 380);

        // shows the staff
        staff = new staff_view(10, 80, 380, 120);

        // show the "instructions" text
        Fl_Box* instructions = new Fl_Box(20, 14, 365, 67, "Click on the note 
name below");

        // To allow easier control of re-size behaviour, put the control
        // buttons into a dummy group to manage where the stretching ends up...
        Fl_Group *button_group = new Fl_Group(0, 210, 400, 190);

        // make a set of note-name buttons here...
        int bt_x = 10;
        for (int n = 0; n < 7; ++n) {
                char label[2] = {'A', 0};
                label[0] += n;
                note_bt[n] = new Fl_Button(bt_x, 220, 25, 25);
                bt_x += 30;

        // add an invisible dummy box that can "eat" all the resize stretching 
for us...
        Fl_Box *eat_resizes = new Fl_Box(bt_x, 250, 2, 2);

        // something to display results in
        out_txt = new Fl_Output(10, 270, 380, 30);
        out_txt->clear_visible_focus(); // hide the caret in the text output

        // time to leave...
        quit_bt = new Fl_Button(320, 355, 65, 35, "Quit");

        // pick a new note
        repeat_bt = new Fl_Button(10, 355, 65, 35, "Repeat");



        // start with a random note...

        // display the GUI
        main_win->show(argc, argv);

        int exit_result = Fl::run();

        free_extra_font(); // unload any extra fonts - if we loaded them!

        return exit_result;

} // main

// end of file

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