On 03/03/13 10:33, Albrecht Schlosser wrote:
> On 03.03.2013 17:15, edgar wrote:
> And for the selection of notes, it would also be possible to use
> a piano keyboard, like this one here:
> http://prodatum.sourceforge.net/screenshots/v0.99/keyboard.png

        Jan's app is really one of the better looking UI's
        I've seen done with FLTK so far.

        Great subtle use of color and gradients.

        Most FLTK interfaces are heavily saturated and have extreme
        color changes which make them look old.

        It takes some work, but not much, to take control of FLTK's
        grayscale ramp (colors 32 thru 55), choose an appropriate scheme
        (Fl::scheme("gtk+")) and subclassing fltk widgets to take control
        of the draw() routines to pay more attention to details of rendering
        widgets by either drawing pre-painted images in place of flat shapes,
        or rendering gradients in place of flat-filled circles and rectangles.

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