I am still at loss as to what the workbook is and wd like to
contribue--forgive my being a bit behind re it as so much has been
ahppening here at the old shack--

        what i read all sounds good to me!

        i apologize a recent post was so hacked and hewed and distorted i
sent before doing a spell checking in my haste

        as always i deeply appreciate it that this list is always aking
projects--not just talking abt the things itsel etc but making things--in
spirit of community

        it's always a source of geat h joy and stimulation of thought
energy and gathering as ever of materials from hither and yon

        though we do not meet face to face in a sense we do meet in the
making of the works

        meeting hand to hand

        as van gogh used t sign his letters:

        with a handshake in thought


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