Actually, I'd prefer emailed contributions for the millennial
edition. However, my address is:

Eryk Salvaggio
8 Diana Drive
Salem, NH

David Baptiste Chirot wrote:
> Dear friend Eryk:
> thanks so much for the elucidation
>         i will go straight to the Bible and have my life irrevocably
> changed and be baptised anew in the waters of oblivion
>         seriously though--i have many many old scores o send yr way (as
> opposed t "old scores to settle"!--gawd forbid we start getting out old
> hatchets that shd have long ago been buried let alone shot guns and the
> like, a real feud of the old fashioned variety!)
>         so will get them in the mail s i like so much yr idea of the above
> all simplicity and clarity
>         away with all the high falatun' ultratechnological special effects
> blowhardedness of so much of what passes as "spectacle" any more!
>         esp when the true pyrotechnics are provided for us free of
> charge--though  laden with the charge of electricty--in thunderstorm,
> volcanos, earthquakes, tornados--you name it--avalanches, flash floods--
>         as wellas outbreaks of deiseases, riots, wars, reigious
> revivals--you name it
>         we usre do live among a busy world of billions of
> creatures--humand and nn human--not to metniton spirits and etc--and the
> wonderful ways of old mther nature!
>         never a dull moment!
>         well i will get these scores off to you--
>         though i do find verywhere nottations of the most marvelous
> sort--cracks in walls and sidewlaks, the patnas of dust and
> rust--arrangeents of rubbihs, the palimptsests of layerngs of posters on
> telephone poles, tire marks and animal tracks--the caligraphies of tree
> branche agsint the sky or shadowed on walls--the relfectins of windows
> moving with the shifts of light--
>         notations everywhere, singing and signing and ignalling., calling
> out--urging us to dance or be in call and response!
>                 onwo/ards!
>         dave baptiste
>         ps please make sure i have yr address crrect eryck--i believe is
> in nh?  (Live Free or Die)

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